Open RAN Testing

Test ORAN components for a disaggregated RAN solution, ensuring seamless integration

Private 5G Network

Disaggregated RAN architecture, virtualization, open interfaces, multi-vendor interworking, and cloud deployments are some of the challenges that mandate comprehensive O-RAN CU, DU, and RU testing.


Amantya’s ORAN testing capability includes testing individual O-DU, O-CU, and near Real-Time RIC network elements, combined elements, and complete end-to-end open network validation. It helps network equipment manufacturers (NEM) validate their products according to ORAN industry standards while supporting MNOs in verifying the interoperability and performance under load of these components before deployment. Leveraging real-time emulation under an automated platform, our pre-integrated solution simplifies and streamlines the ORAN test process so our customers can confidently deploy Open RAN and realize its full potential while achieving high cost and operational efficiencies.


Solution Highlights


Comprehensive Testing

Out-of-box, pre-integrated, and standards-based solution to validate the functionality and performance of Open RAN components.


User-Friendly Interface

Intuitive dashboard for rapid deployment, result reporting, and seamless integration of new message decoder libraries.


RIC/CU/DU Testing

Conduct end-to-end ORAN nodes (O-DU/O-CU/RIC) testing with customizable Core simulators (EPC/NGC/IMS).


Real Device Simulation

Utilize real devices to simulate deployment scenarios, identifying issues early.


Adaptable to ORAN Components

Test ORAN components for a disaggregated RAN solution, ensuring seamless integration.



Scales up to 128 real UEs & 128 UEs/Cell to 1000 UE’s/Cell emulated UEs*.


Cell Support

Two (2) 4x4 cells OR Four (4) 2x2 cells (combinations possible).


Emulator Package

CUSim/DUSim/ORAN intf emulator & Embedded PTP Clock Master for time synch. E2/O1/NGC Sim (w impairments)/IMS (w impairments)/Data Traffic Generator (iPerf)/ORU Simulator*.



Prebuilt test plans based on ORAN TIFG E2E Test Plan v5.00*.


Attenuator Setup:

Software-controlled attenuators for precise attenuation up to 95 dB.



Supports RESTful APIs for integration with existing UE emulators/CI-CD pipelines/automation frameworks.



GUI-driven solution to create and automate test cases, manage device onboarding, control scheduling, execution, and log/result management efficiently.

Testing Scenarios

End-to-End Testing
O-DU Testing
O-CU Testing
RIC Testing
Testing with O-CU connected to multiple O-DU

Testing Scope

Development Testing
Functional Testing
Product Validation – End-to-end/Standalone
Performance Testing
Scaled Lab deployments
Handset Interoperability
Reference Design Validation

Key Market Segment

ORAN Vendors
OCU/ODU Vendors
Infrastructure Vendors

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